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4月20日,在中共高唐县委、高唐县人民政府鼎力支持,县科技局、工信局、人和街道党工委、办事处指导下,由九路泊车主办的垂直循环科技成果发布会在山东高唐泉林大酒店国际会议厅举办。高唐县委常委、副县长张磊,中国重机协会停车设备工作委员会、湖北省停车协会、肇庆市停车协会、佛山市停车协会、徐州市停车办、上海市特检院,以及行业同仁、海外客商、媒体记者等200余人应邀参加了本次新品发布会。  高唐县委常委、副县长张磊致欢迎辞并强调:“九路泊车通过产品技术的不断迭代升级,在智能停车细分领域取得显著成果,九路一定能够开拓进取、奋勇争先,当好高唐“加速崛起、再塑辉煌”的‘排头兵’。明艳华会长在致辞中指出:“…
发布时间: 2024-04-22
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"Every time a product is shipped, the order must be carefully checked and loaded in accordance with the company's standards and specifications to ensure that there are no 'wrong or missed shipments' and to ensure that the goods are delivered to the project site in a timely and safe manner. Only in
On June 27, the South Korean DAEJOO. KC delegation, led by Executive Director Shen Southeast, traveled thousands of miles to China and visited Jiulu Parking Headquarters for two days of in-depth business negotiations. Mr. Chen Jinshui, Chairman of Jiulu Parking, Mr. Zhuo Changfu, Vice Chairman, and
2023/12/30 10:07
Innovation is the driving force behind development and an important force in promoting social progress and industry progress. Jiulu Parking insists on independent innovation as the company's sustainable and steady development.The strategic basis for development, yesterday’s innovation laid a solid